Picture of the Day, POD, Sunshine Coast, West Coast, wildlife -

A lone Oystercatcher hangs out with the gulls. In the summer large flocks of American Black Oystercatchers boisterously entertain us us with their constant chatter.  This time of year we only see a few and they tend to be solitary or in pairs.  The common bird now are the gulls that are overwintering. 

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Picture of the Day, POD, Sunshine Coast, West Coast, wildlife -

This picture gives one a birds eye view of what it is like to be a Towhee. They spend most of their time shuffling around on the forest floor for bugs and seeds.  This time of year (early spring) they pop up onto a rock or branch where we have a moment to capture a picture.  Later in the spring as nesting urges take over they become much bolder and easier to see.

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Picture of the Day, POD, Sunshine Coast, West Coast, wildlife -

It's getting closer to spring and this female Common Merganser is starting to check out potential nesting sites.

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pet photography, Picture of the Day, POD -

Olive loves to collect things.  A barnacle encrusted twig is a perfect collectable, but, it's not really of interest unless she can bring it over for us to inspect.  Once we have been brought onside as to its utility then, if it makes it home, it is added to the treasure trove.

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