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The last of the Hummingbirds
Most of the Sunshine Coast Hummingbird population leaves around the end of July as the number of flowers begin to decline. A few, like this Rufous Hummingbird, stay around into the fall feeding on the late blooming flowers.
American Black Oystercatcher
The Oystercatcher is a bit of a goofy bird. It starts with them being black with pink legs, an orange bill, and bright orange eyes. They forage on the shore in groups that randomly leap into the air and start squawking loudly. Then they fly in a large circle and settle back where they were. This joyous action continues from dawn to dusk.
Barred Owl
Often seen in southern swamps the Barred Owl has in recent times expanded its range to include the Pacific Northwest. It is a dark eyed owl that normally hunts at night but also can be seen actively hunting during the day.
Belted Kingfisher
They are small and fast so this was a bit of a lucky capture. Not only was he in focus but also had just caught a fish. This just goes to show that often the most important thing is to have a camera close when opportunities present themselves.