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Pet Photography
Not Only Dogs and Cats
Many different animals have joined us as loved pets. They present their own photography challenges. We can gather vibrant photos of these animals to create fine wall art and capture...
Not Only Dogs and Cats
Many different animals have joined us as loved pets. They present their own photography challenges. We can gather vibrant photos of these animals to create fine wall art and capture...
Black and White
Dark colored and older pets often look good in black and white. Removing the distraction of color allows the character of the individual to shine through. Creative lighting can be...
Black and White
Dark colored and older pets often look good in black and white. Removing the distraction of color allows the character of the individual to shine through. Creative lighting can be...
The Headshot
Unlike headshots of people which are often used to represent or identify the person in documents or online, headshots of pets are often taken as a form of art. As...
The Headshot
Unlike headshots of people which are often used to represent or identify the person in documents or online, headshots of pets are often taken as a form of art. As...
Three Critical Prerequisites for Pet Photography
There are three non-technical steps that need to be addressed if you want to get a picture of your pet that moves beyond the quick snapshot. They are not easy...
Three Critical Prerequisites for Pet Photography
There are three non-technical steps that need to be addressed if you want to get a picture of your pet that moves beyond the quick snapshot. They are not easy...