Photo Examples RSS
Sometimes Things Don't Turn Out As Planned
I take pictures for AARCS to help stray animals find a new home. It is usually a bit of a "run and gun" process as time is limited and the resolution of the pictures on their website is very low. There is never the opportunity to do a preliminary evaluation of the setting and animal. This can be a creative opportunity, challenging one to optimize compositions and lighting on the fly. But, sometimes the subject decides not to play along. Most cats and dogs are somewhat wary of individuals crawling around on the floor waving cameras around and flashing off strobe lights. ...
The Worse the Weather, The Better the Picture Opportunities
When photographing wildlife bad weather often means good pictures. When the weather is bad wildlife patterns are often disrupted creating opportunities. If the weather is cold or stormy wildlife will often spend more time feeding making them easier to locate and creating more photographic opportunities. Beyond that, bad weather creates more interesting environments for picture taking. Fog, mist and rain can soften backgrounds making it easier to isolate subjects. Wet surfaces create reflections while snow often adds interest and mood. So, if the weather is bad, dress appropriately, and head out to get that unique picture.
Capturing Pets as They Grow
They start out as cute puppies but, before long, they become adults and then mature seniors. This picture is created on a simple background that can be easily reproduced. The plan is to be able to take similar photographs every year or two to capture Olive throughout her life. This first picture captures her at around 3 months. This picture captures her in the same pose at 9 months. We will reproduce the picture again at 18 months and then approximately every two years. Eventually, as she becomes a senior, we can bring all of the pictures together with other action and...